Welcome to my corner of the cosmos! I'm a theoretical astrophysicist with a passion for unraveling the misteries of our universe, specializing in the captivating field of Cosmology. My research is a voyage into the depths of cosmic time, where I delve into the nature of the first cosmic sources and their profound influence on the formation and evolution of galaxies. Specifically, i work in the field of Near-Field Cosmology: I investigate the primordial cosmic star formation and eearly galaxy evolution by using Local observations of ancient metal-poor stars and galaxies, which likely formed from the ashes of the very first stars, which were the very first stars to form in the Universe.
My scientific background mainly lie in the fields of Cosmology and galaxy formation. In my research experience I have focused on the topic of Stellar Archaeology. Specifically, I delved into the nature of the first stars, exploring the primordial star formation, and studying the complexities of chemical enrichment in galaxies. My approach involves the synergy between Local observations of ancient metal-poor stars, and theoretical models.
Over the course of my career, I've expanded my expertise in the development of chemical evolution models and the theoretical interpretation of data. Currently, I'm embarking on a new chapter of exploration, directing my focus towards the fascinating field of 'Galactic Archaeology'. This exciting domain seeks to delve into the theoretical nuances underlying the formation, evolution, and structure of our celestial neighbor, the Milky Way.
June 2023 - Present
Project: Chemical evolution of Nitrogen in the Milky Way, in collaboration with
Advisors: Donatella Romano and Alessio Mucciarelli
November 2019 - June 2023
Ph.D Thesis: First stars and dwarf galaxies - available here
Project: Funded by ERC Project "NEar FiEld cosmology: RE-Tracing Invisibile TImes" (NEFERTITI)
Advisors: Prof. Stefania Salvadori and Prof. Ása Skúladóttir
September 2016 - October 2019
Master Thesis: "Constraining The Low Mass end of the First Stars"
Advisor: Prof. Stefania Salvadori
September 2013 - March 2016
Bachelor Thesis: "Cosmological Evolution of Black Holes with Montecarlo's Method"
Advisor: Prof. Alessandro Marconi